Monday, February 14, 2011

Tiger Parents?

My first blog post...seems momentous, even though I'm sure few people outside of my sister and husband will read it.  Maybe if I master Facebook and Twitter...

A topic that is more and more often on my mind is parenting.  Today, more specifically, I'm thinking about how I was parented.  I think it was pretty great.  True, my parents got divorced and at times acted ridiculously, but overall their parenting was more than adequate .  Especially when I compare their skills with the not-so-great skills that apparently were used in the parenting of a certain someone who also lives in my house.

I considered calling this blog "The Musings of a Perfect Person", or some variation of that, since I believe that I am surrounded more and more by people who have particular types of problems that I don't have.  Problems that seem obvious to me are caused by the actions of their parents' parenting. 

Here is how my parents got it right:  they raised me with the end goal being that I would be independent and able to make my own happiness.  There was a bit of the recent much discussed 'Tiger Mom' principles, but more importantly, they loved me without conditions.  That gave me the confidence to make my own way in the world, even when things got so tough for me that I had to choose to spend money on either food, or gas to put in my car so that I could make it to work.

Thankfully, those tough times passed.  So to my parents, great job on your parenting skills.  Hopefully I'll have enough of the 'Tiger Mom' in me to do as good of a job as my parents did.  After all, I am a perfect person, right?

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